Nate Young


I'm an experienced software engineer in multiple disciplines.

Backend focused, but not afraid to step into the frontend world when necessary.

  • Remote


Nate is an experienced software engineer with a hunger for knowledge and demonstrated work in the legal cannabis technology, Internet Service Providers, and the Ed-Tech industry. Skilled in object oriented programming, the LEMP stack, RESTful apis, backend development, and Google searches.

In their free time, Nate enjoys visiting with friends, learning about new technologies, and exploring new hobbies


  • Backend Developer

    Feb 2023 - Present | Full Time

    • Development and support of internal RESTful APIs in a dockerized LEMP stack with Agile methodology

      Bi-directional integration of external APIs with external service providers for the purpose of data synchronization between multiple systems and internal tools

      Overhaul of legacy systems

      Development of internal tools & scripts to support various business functions
    • PHP Eloquent ORM (Laravel) MySQL Redis PHPUnit REST GraphQL Agile Methodologies Object Oriented Programming Jira Scalable Data Processing Linux Docker Docker Compose

  • Backend Developer

    Jul 2021 - Feb 2023

    • Development and support of internal REST and GraphQL APIs in a LEMP stack with Agile methodology

      Bi-directional integration of external APIs with business partners for the purpose of inventory and point-of-sale integration to enable consumers to place orders for cannabis products from their favorite legal dispensaries

      Development of internal tools & scripts to support various business functions
    • PHP MySQL Redis PHPUnit REST GraphQL Agile Methodologies Object Oriented Programming Jira Scalable Data Processing Linux Teamwork Creative Problem Solving

    • Web Developer - Full Stack

      Aug 2020 - Jun 2021 | Full Time
    • Continued full-stack development and support of a mass notification system built primarily for K-12 schools, serving millions of students, parents, and faculty through multiple channels of communication- including SMS, phone calls, E-Mail, app push, and social media platforms.

      Development and support of a school payment system designed to eliminate the need for K-12 schools to handle cash. Named Cashless Campus, subprojects include reporting, interfacing with pin-pads through payment processor API's, and online store product listing automation.

    • Project Lead Developer

      Notify (Formerly E-Notes)
      Dec 2019 - Aug 2020 | Full Time
    • Lead a small team to complete a ground-up overhaul and redesign of an outdated legacy system to be a single-page application, and offloading logic to a microservice through a REST API, enabling users to be more efficient, improved performance, database optimization, and building multi-channel communication suite. Interfaced with external REST and SOAP API's frequently to integrate Student Information Systems, and to deliver notifications.

    • Junior PHP Developer

      Jun 2019 - Dec 2019 | Full Time
    • Created and maintained new features and bug fixes for various products across Gabbart Communication's lineup for K-12 schools. Including Wisdom Learning Management System, Harmony CMS, and Notify.

    • Web Developer Intern

      Apr 2019 - Jun 2019 | Part Time

    PHP Object Oriented Programming MySQL JavaScript REST Redis HTML CSS jQuery Bootstrap AWS CakePHP nginx Twilio PCI Compliance Linux Teamwork Creative Problem Solving

    Gabbart Communications was acquired by ParentSquare in 2023
  • Student Employee - IETV & Blackboard

    Oct 2018 - Apr 2019 | Part Time

    • Provided support for university professors and administrators in facilitating distance learning, including live-streamed video and blackboard learning management system administration.
    • IT Operations Computer Networking Technical Support Web Broadcasting Google Sheets Microsoft Office Blackboard Learn
  • Volunteer

      Staff Manager

      Jan 2017 - Jan 2020 | Part Time
    • Recruited, onboarded, trained, and managed a moderation team to ensure online safety for players. Continued with System Administration related work on the side.

      *This position was taken with full understanding that it was an unpaid volunteer role for a passion project.

    • Volunteer

      System Administrator

      Jun 2016 - Jan 2017 | Part Time
    • Worked with a small team of server administrators to ensure stability and performant operation of a Minecraft server cluster to provide endless hours of realtime entertainment for hundreds of players. Other duties included provisioning new nodes and troubleshooting various issues

      *This position was taken with full understanding that it was an unpaid volunteer role for a passion project.

    Leadership Team Management Recruiting Conflict Resolution Server Provisioning MySQL Java Debugging Creative Problem Solving

    Mine Your Mind is/was an all-volunteer staffed Minecraft network with hundreds of active players
  • Retail Sales Associate

    Aug 2014 - May 2019 | Part Time

      Sales Customer Service Forklift Operation Inventory Management Cash Handling Teamwork Creative Problem Solving


  • 2018 - 2020
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Information Systems
    Java Android App Development Database Design Web Development Python Linux
  • 2014 - 2017
    Associate of Science - Computer Science / Computer Information Systems
    C ++ Java Assembly - 8086